extreme right

美 [ɪkˈstriːm raɪt]英 [ɪkˈstriːm raɪt]
  • 极右派
extreme rightextreme right
  1. The extreme right wing mutinied just before the election .


  2. The extreme right may agree with much of Breivik 's outlook , but , they say , not with his tactics .


  3. The extreme right reared its ugly head in the 1980s .


  4. The incident has triggered fresh arguments about the role of the extreme right in France


  5. They gathered to protest against the renaissance of the extreme right .


  6. Extreme right is extreme wrong .


  7. This tab is located at the extreme right of the list of tabs .


  8. As of this writing , it is at the extreme right of the list of tabs .


  9. Yes , extreme right parties like France 's National Front will likely benefit from the events of this week .


  10. I think he can mould a coalition in the middle , between the extreme right and the left .


  11. He was an extreme right winger from a family of landed gentry .


  12. This article is a study of New Populist Party , a new type of party in the family of European extreme right parties .


  13. After the execution , the case became a cause celebre for the Flemish extreme right .


  14. He says in Britain the threat from the extreme right normally does not come in the form of a major terrorist attack .


  15. As a " cosmopolitan " international figure ( and Jewish ) , he would be a prime target for the extreme right .


  16. Extreme right and wrong are the result of dogmatic tones of creation that humans at1.5 to2 strands sit within .


  17. But political analysts say the gunman 's opinions , which seem to have motivated him , are in line with many among Europe 's extreme right .


  18. The square on the extreme right , the most exposed of all , being in the air , was almost annihilated at the very first shock .


  19. It is extreme right or wrong that causes humans to lash out between races or gender or sexual preference rather than unconditionally accepting all others in their particular karmic dance .


  20. The same elites have had a tendency to acknowledge the dangers of populism but take refuge in fatalism when asked how best to prevent the extreme right from coming to power .


  21. An expert in European right-wing extremism at London 's Kingston University , Andrea Mammone , says Breivik 's ideas are consistent with many on the extreme right in Europe .


  22. The nature of the problem is that elephants simply do not exist the possibility of flight , who asked an elephant and swallows fly better , is it not foolish to the extreme right ?


  23. It 's a little extreme , right ? Do you think it 's too much ?


  24. Consider a scenario where you need to place an image at the extreme top right corner of a canvas .


  25. Extreme sports are right up Tony 's alley .


  26. Something like 25 per cent of Greeks already vote for parties of the extreme left or right .


  27. Anti-European feelings are still vocal and not only on the extreme left and right .


  28. In order to meet the needs of communication between people , we must let others know the information about our conditions . Extreme advocates of right of privacy will hinder the normal social communication and interaction .


  29. Aries may find that watching extreme sports competitions are right up your alley .


  30. He noticed some burn patients who woke in the night in extreme pain often went right back to sleep after being given a shot .
